Painting (and the Chobani Giveaway WINNER)

This is what my room looks like as of yesterday:


The bed has managed to move to the middle of the room as of last night, a dresser has left the room altogether, and the base board, ceiling, door, and window frame have officially been painted white.

It took about 4 hrs to complete all of this, but Friday is the fun part.  Colors are going up!  I’m so excited to see my room transform, as it hasn’t been changed since I called it mine (about 16 years ago…eeps!)

I’ll be shooting for a “natural” feel.  I’m happiest when I’m outdoors, and I want to bring the outdoors in.  With natural colors and a warm, relaxing atmosphere.


I’m also on a budget.

I remember watching Design on a Dime a long time ago, and how much they emphasized the simple changes that can make such big results.  Like changing the knobs on dressers, doors, etc.  Cheap but effective.  I’m also all for bright, cheery accent pillows, but that will come later. 😀

Needless to say, it’s been busy around here.  Home decorating shows make this look easy.

Don’t let them fool you. 😉

Thank goodness for quick and healthy lunches from Whole Foods during times like these. 😀

Sharp Cheddar Cheese

Lemon Garlic Olives

Medjool Dates

Everything Bagel

Starbucks Tazo Passion Tea (unsweetened)


…on to the good stuff!!!

Chobani Giveaway Winner

Thirty-five of you were hungry for some Chobani Yogurt!

I loved reading each and every one of your stories, memories and reflections from the Christmas weekend.  I wish I could send a big package of yogurt to all of you. 😀  Unfortunately, I had to pick just one.

…thank you for making this job easier on me!!

True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result: 27

The winner is #27, which goes to blog-reader Kellie.  Kellie, let me know where you would like the Chobani shipped to, and it will be out ASAP! 😀

QUESTION: Painting…love it or hate it?  I find it therapeutic, as long as there is some good music playing (Beatles, anyone?)  But I’m not one for painting the ceiling.  What a mess!!  I have an entirely new respect for Michelangelo. 😉

8 comments on “Painting (and the Chobani Giveaway WINNER)

  1. Good luck redoing your room. I love that you’re painting it yourself! I’m not very artistic but I find any kind of crafts (or baking) extremely therapeutic 🙂

  2. It depends on what KIND of painting I have to do. Soft roller? No problem; love it. There is something therapeutic about adding something clean and new. A fresh start. Wall murals and art paintings? Forget it, I’m hopeless.

  3. Nicole says:

    I start painting for the first time in a week or so, so I’ll let you know… 😉 I can’t wait to see your finished room!

  4. em says:

    your WF lunch looks delicious! hope the painting goes well; it’s not my fave thing to do, but it can be fun with a group of friends. happy ny!

  5. canadian says:

    I see a C.S. Lewis book… I love C.S. Lewis! The Narnia books are my first love, but I also love Mere Christianity, Surprised by Joy, The Problem of Pain, Letters to Children… Have you read much of his work?

    • Sarah says:

      I absolutely *love* his writings as well! I’ve actually only ever read Mere Christianity, but I have the others you mentioned on my “to read” list. I’m reading “The Problem of Pain” next! 😀

  6. Congratulations, Kellie! Thanks for hosting this fabulous giveaway, Sarah! Best wishes for 2012.

    Lindsay, Chobani

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