a snack-styled lunch.

I’ve been really digging snack-styled lunches lately.  Enjoying the variety that comes with having a little bite of this.  A little taste of that.  It’s perfect for my schedule, since I never really seem to know quite when I’ll get the chance to snag something to eat.

Usually these snack-styled lunches begin and end with a big bowl of hummus.

Hummus snobs everywhere would tell you that this is not actually, legitimately hummus.

Where’s the tahini? they (the hummus snobs, that is) would ask.

But alas, I am not a hummus snob.  And so, yes, I do call this hummus.  And no, there is no tahini.  And yes, you will absolutely love every bite.  Especially when there is a pile of Life is Good, sweet potato chips along for the ride.

To keep this lunch feeling fresh and filling, I added some veggies to the mix.

Peppers.  Carrots.  Snap peas.  My favorites.

With a little touch of sweetness.

A little bite of this.  A little taste of that.

That’s my kind of lunch.

Sarah’s Basic Go-To Hummus

(Serves 2 as a main or 4 as a snack)

  • 1 15oz. can of garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp cumin
  • 1/8-1/4 tsp cayenne (depending on your heat preference)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. In a food processor, combine all the above ingredients.  Adjust seasonings to taste.  Enjoy!

QUESTION: Do  you pack your own lunches?  What is one of your go-to items for lunch at work/school?

11 comments on “a snack-styled lunch.

  1. Lisa Fine says:

    I love lunches like that – so simple and easy to prepare, and so tasty, especially in the warmer months.

    I love making my own lunches, and when I was teaching, always got together a sandwich and fruit or a salad and yogurt together for the next day. Now that I’m home, it’s much easier to make lunches, and I eat with much more variety.

  2. No lemon juice in your hummus?

    • Sarah says:

      Not in this one!

      You know, I’ve been going back and forth with whether I prefer the red wine vinegar or the lemon juice. And my own personal, very unofficial taste testing always goes to the vinegar. But I know many, many people who swear by using lemon juice. 😀

  3. I love snack style lunches! They’re perfect when I’m just feeling the munchies, or don’t want to sit down to a big meal and spend the afternoon snacking away instead 😀

    And I usually pack my own lunches because I have to deal with allergies. I try to change it up, but one thing that remains constant is an apple and carrot sticks.

  4. I will have to try the vinegar instead of lemon juice next time! Whenever I make my own hummus I never add tahini. It’s just as good if you ask me 🙂
    And I love snack-styled lunches as well. Sometimes I just want a little bit of everything! My packed lunches tend to vary – usually leftovers or a sandwich – but I alllways have some fruit with it and a little dessert 🙂

  5. That is one of my favorite ways to eat lunch! Such a great variety.

  6. Bee says:

    I looove homemade hummus but haven’t made any lately since I haven’t wanted to dish out $5 for Tahini… but I think the blend of flavors here more than makes up for its lack, will DEFINITELY be making this soon!

  7. Katie says:

    I’m a snacky eater, too…this lunch looks perfect. When I pack lunches for school – it’s just like this, a little of this, a little of that. I rarely have a “main course” for lunches.

  8. This is exactly my kind of lunch…variety is the spice of life, right? 😉

  9. Zephyr says:

    Thia looka like a meal that would fit wonderfully in a bento box 😛 I love small portion varieties for meals!

  10. Damommachef says:

    This is a great recipe because it can be assembled so quickly. Love to the food processor. One thing I like to do when I make hummus is roast garlic first and add that to the beans and tahini. But of course, it is no longer a quick recipe! I tried putting in raw garlic cloves once and it was gross–bitter and too strong. But roasted garlic does the trick.

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